Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Why Hillary Should Drop Out Now

Hillary Clinton should drop out today. Here's a list of reasons why:

1. She is not going to overtake Obama in either delegates, superdelegates or a combination of both.

2. She has staged yet another "Clinton Comeback" and ought to go out on a positive note a la Brett Favre.

3. She has spent her ammunition on Obama to get to this point and will only sully herself further if she lets Mark Penn lead her further into the gutter.

4. She is not going to have the chance to win another primary for at least 7 weeks.

5. If she drops out now, she gives Democrats enough time to unite, because her supporters, who would undoubtedly be crushed if she dropped out, would come back around to support Obama come the Fall.

6. If she waits to lose it outright, she will have recklessly divided the Democratic party at a time when unity ought to become our defining mindset. The goal of energizing the Democratic base has been accomplished and we know that turnout will be huge for Democrats in November. Now is the time to begin harnessing that support into a coordinated, organized ground game that will blow the Republic party away.

7. She could assume the role of king-maker were she to drop out now and wield great behind-the-scenes influence, which, as we all know, is often more impactful than being the candidate oneself.

8. She could become Senate Majority Leader and play an even more important role in the future of the nation than if she were President. (See the role Massachusetts Speaker of the House Sal DiMasi plays for an example of the power wielded by a legislative leader.)

9. Were she to become Majority Leader, she could assist hundreds or thousands of politicians across the country with their political efforts, all of which would greatly aid her daughter Chelsea's inevitable political ambitions.

10. She could write the final chapter in her and her husband's political story and make it one of grace and eloquence. As of now, that story is a mish-mash of fabulous economic success and disturbingly icky politics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dream on, idiot.