Friday, August 25, 2006

Thoughts on WBUR LG Story

So I finally was able to listen to the WBUR story on the LG race and it was pretty good.

Two things struck me: first, calling Tim the "frontrunner" was an inaccuracy, but an understandable perception from the reporter.

Second, I'd like to put this out there: Andrea Silbert has more endorsements than any other candidate: the 10,000 people she and her team helped while she was at the Center for Women and Enterprise.

I know that sounds like a stretch, but when, as Prof. Berry said in the BUR story, you're talking about "name recognition", I contend that come primary day, those 10,000 people are going to play an important role in a Silbert victory because when they begin to focus on the race in the closing days, they'll be part of the viral marketing/buzz building that helps the Silibert campaign get over the hump.

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