Sunday, July 09, 2006

LG June Money

Interesting note from this month: in a June 27th article in the T&G, the Murray camp announced it had "raised about $100,000" in June. Unless they are holding checks until next month (which would be stupid), the numbers below show that the campaign was making promises its fundraising team couldn't keep. They were spinning the press a tale they couldn't live up to. Good for them for getting that story in the paper, (it's what campaigns are supposed to do, after all), but that won't breed a lot of trust amongst the media as we head into endorsement and coverage season.

That all being said, it is still quite surprising that even with all his endorsements and political support, Murray still hasn't been able to catch up to Silbert in the one race that really matters: money. (I'm leaving Goldberg out of this analysis for obvious reasons.) Silbert looks to have spent some real dough, for the first time really, on her convention effort - and she still didn't spend that much last month. Also, she must have been focused in May on ensuring she got on the ballot since, as we all know, raising money takes advance work, and by working delegates to get her surprising 2nd place finish at the Convention, she appears to have sacrificed a bit of cash in June. That strategy paid off with the convention results. Also, Silbert's early chase of the money looks like an even smarter move now: she is the story of the Convention in the LG's race (unless Goldberg's embarassing performance in the story), and still maintains a healthy fundraising advantage over her main opponent.

Finally, it's really too bad that Goldberg's millions are all she's bringing to the table here. This race would be so much more interesting if it were between Tim and Andrea....

With that, let's check the numbers. As always, listed in order of cash on hand.

1. Deb Goldberg

Starting Balance: $1,087,491.74
Receipts: $17,763.75
Expenditures: $48,130.65
Ending Balance: $1,057,124.84

2. Andrea Silbert

Starting Balance: $476,548.08
Receipts: $52,991.00
Expenditures: $54,021.76
Ending Balance: $475.517.32

3. Tim Murray

Starting Balance: $353,917.53
Receipts: $80,936.89
Expenditures: $48,688.16
Ending Balance: $386,166.26

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