Sunday, May 21, 2006

More Thoughts on Silbert

I posted more thoughts on why I chose Silbert over at BMG.

Here's the text of that entry:

As many of you know, I have been a frequent commenter on this blog about this wonderful LG field. And as many of you also know, I had not decided who to vote for, but it was down to Murray and Silbert.

Today, that all changed. Andrea Silbert won me over today and I am proud to say that I will be supporting her at the Convention, on this blog, and over at my blog, MassChange, where I live-blogged the debate (forgive typos, etc...) and where I posted some additional thoughts on today's forum.

With a clear message, relevant experience and the ability to get her message out through paid media, I believe Andrea will be our best hope for going up against Kerry Healey and Reed Hillman and the best complement to any of the three gubernatorial candidates.

She's not perfect, and none of the candidates are, but she is the one talking about the issues in a way that is different and more innovative than any of the the other three candidates. Her argument that we need to grow the pie, as opposed to re-dividing it, appeals to me. (Yes, I did post that yesterday here.) And I think it will appeal to voters who want a sense of hope and entrepreurial thinking from their elected leaders. After all, for those people in this state that are hurting, just getting by, living paycheck to paycheck: they're the real innovators in this state because they have to think of new and creative ways to keep their families fed, their children clothed, and their lives secure. They are the real Massachusetts entrepreneurs, and they deserve to have someone in the Corner Office who not only thinks like them, but actually lives like them - middle class, public schools, expensive health care, and on and on. Andrea Silbert is the only one in this field who can truly claim to be their champion because she is one of them.

Also, no one else in this race can provide the same blend of skills, experience and a plan. Andrea's is a simple, yet powerful message, and as we all know, in a crowded field and in a downballot race, there is no wiggle room within which one can educate voters on multiple fronts. The Gubernatorial candidates can and will be doing that, but the LG candidates need to "pop" and stand out. One, maybe two things about them will be remembered by voters, and her message of "jobs jobs jobs" trumps "cites and towns" and "health care" not only in its simplicity, but in its breadth. So much of what we as Democrats want to do can be started if we had more consistent revenues to utilize. Jobs get us there.

I wholeheartedly encourage my undecided BMG friends to support Andrea Silbert.

As I said, Andrea Silbert is not the perfect candidate. She is not an elected official, she has no natural constituency, she is not independently wealthy, she is not a lawyer, doctor or merchant chief, and she is not an expert in all things that state government does.

But she is an innovator and am entrepreneur, a product of the extraordinary non-profit sector that exists as a sort of "shadow government" in our state, filling in so many of the holes our government should, but cannot fill because 16 years of Republican rule and neglect.

Just imagine. Massachusetts is home to some of the most innovative ideas in the world. Don't we want someone in the Corner Office who understands these people, and wants to bring the positive forces of government to serve and promote these ideas, as well as advocate for the core ideas that make our state so proudly Democratic? With all due respect to the other candidates experience and passion for Democratic ideals, I think it's time for a 21st Century Democratic leader who brings the best of all that Massachusetts has to offer to the table. For my money (well, at least my delegate vote), Andrea Silbert should be our choice.



Anonymous said...

I am with you Hoss. We need focused, intelligent leadership for our state to make up for 16 years of Republicans who were not following through on important long term plans in economic policy, transportation infrastructure and smart growth.

The only way to change course is to hit the ground running with competent accomplished professionals from the private sector who have shown they know how to get the job done. Goldberg and Murray are certainly competent but I haven't been convinced by either's track record to know what to expect in terms of actual performance.

We need to get the state going quickly and Andrea has convinced me she has the knowledge, energy and focus to do just that.

Anonymous said...

...and the fund raising continues to show a difference also. Andrea has almost 50% more in the bank than Tim according to OCPF mid May report.