Wednesday, May 24, 2006

LG Mid-May Money

A commenter on this site noted that the mid-May OCPF filings have been made. While these reports are not always reliable in terms of showing where things stand, I thought that given the upcoming Convention, and given that many undecideds might be looking for ways to distinguish these four candidates, posting these mid-month numbers would be relevant in this month more so than probably any other month.

One huge caveat: Deb Goldberg does not file mid-month reports; rather, she files a single report at the end of each month. However, given the influx of cash she gave herself last month, I think it doesn't really matter.

The larger question is: who will have the funds to compete with her.

So, here are the mid-May numbers, based on Cash on Hand. Commentary follows.

1. Deb Goldberg ** THIS IS THE MAY 1ST NUMBER


2. Andrea Silbert

Starting Balance: $451,691.13
Receipts: $33,070.00
Expenditures: $24,051.37
Ending Balance: $460,709.76

3. Tim Murray

Starting Balance: $330,017.99
Receipts: $17,275.00
Expenditures: $35,775.73
Ending Balance: $311,678.26

4. Sam Kelley:

Starting Balance: $13, 617.94
Receipts: $1,725.00
Expenditures: $3,381.42
Ending Balance: $11,961.52

My thoughts: Murray dumped a bunch of costs into this month, as did Silbert. I'm surprised Murray didn't have a better opening, but again, he may be holding checks, he may have a ton of stuff going on this week, who knows. But I think the more likely scenario is that his people are so busy with delegate-related stuff that fundraising is taking a back seat. Not a bad strategy if he can pull off a first-ballot win as is possible. If he doesn't though, then it may not have been worth it. I'm sure his people have plans for a big June. Time's getting short and Silbert's $150K gap ain't getting any narrower. She's continuing to move along at a solid clip.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.