Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Revolutionizing the Debate Format: LG Virtual Debate Synopsis

Well, this is pretty amazing. The folks over at Saint Kermit, who appear to include former Green party LG candidate Tony Lorenzen, have a weekly podcast that they produce.

This week, they have done something which I think could revolutionize the way debates are held in America.

They have created a "debate" out of responses to a series of questions that have been posed to 3 of the 4 LG candidates. Why does this have the potential to revolutionize how debates are held? Well, no longer will candidates have as much of a reason to dodge debates. Instead, they can simply respond to questions while on their cellphones (as 2 of the candidates here appear to have done) while driving somewhere, while sitting at home, while doing the laundry, whatever. Granted, it doesn't give the opportunity for rebuttal, but that's actually sort of nice, because the candidates actually answer the questions and aren't posturing for the camera or for a constituency. I think what they did here was interview each of the candidates individually and then splice their responses together into one mp3 file. (If that's incorrect, let me know).

Check it out here and let me know what you think.

Here's what I think:

Sam Kelley sounded quite chipper, but freaked me out a little - he's a bit squeaky sounding, which, if matched with Deval, wouldn't make for the most "baritone" of tickets. Also, after listening, can you remind me again what advanced degrees he has? Sheesh! Sam, let it go, dude. We know we're not as smart as you! As for his positions, he's clearly gunning for the enviro/health care votes and CLEARLY knows his stuff. He's the kind of person you'd want advocating on your side.

Murray: polished and clearly on message, but can't answer a question without working in his talking points. A bit Kerry-esque in that way, and sounded like a typical politician too often. I didn't get a sense of who he was like I did with the others. What do you do every day in your life? Is it all about politics? Where do you live? What's your neighborhood like? What gets you excited outside of politics? I need to feel that there's someone behind the political mask. He seems to have a bit of knowledge about a lot of issues, but I can't tell where his passion lies.

Silbert: had some surprising positions: support testing students, just not as MCAS does it; also supports graduated the income tax. Andrea, which are you? Liberal? Moderate? Actually, I think those two may be indicative of the typical mom that decides elections - wants kids to assess kids, but on realistic stuff. And doesn't like how uber-rich get away with shit like paying nothing in taxes because their accountants hide it all in trusts. She pays her fair share and wants others to do so as well. I was surprised that Silbert's buying her own healthcare and not getting that good coverage. I can't imagine having to pay for healthcare right now. It'd bankrupt me.

Here are my barebones notes on the Q&A:

Q: Health care - is it a right? Kelley: yes, and we should have single payer. Silbert: fundamental right. I know it from all angles. My parents were VA docs, and talked about it as a kid. As an employer, I provided it for 30 employees. And now I buy thin coverage because it's all we can afford. Murray: I like to think of it as a right. I joined Cong. McGovern that got signatures to support HCFA ballot question. I supported House health care bill. Companies not doing the right thing should pay the price for not doing the right thing.

Q: H. 4491 would authorize development of surplus land. Would this undermine reuse of property by localities to reuse it? Silbert: Need to see before telling how I'd vote. But local control is crucial for more afford. housing. I'm also harwich Conserv. trustee, so open space is crucial. But I wouldn't want state to be able to come in a grab land. Murray: same, I can't tell you how I'd vote. But takings should be allowed, but w/ local input. Worcester has done well preserving open space. There is state prop. in our city that should be used for either open space or econ. development. Cities and towns need prop. tax income. Kelley: I support open space and clean environement. I have masters in enviro. bio. But afford. housing is important too, and is why people are moving south. But to grow afford. housing, we need to improve rail to 495 belt.

Q: MCAS: good? Kelley: no. Murray: Ed reform gains lost under Romney; Silbert: while testing is a decent principle, it needs to be done to test ability not memory.

Q: how would you reform MA taxes to make them more fair? Silbert: graduate income tax. Kelley: prop 2.5 is unfair, we need to reform. Murrray: oppose rollback, prop tax too regressive; close loopholes like telecom site exemption.

Q: How do you convince nonvoters to come out in general? Murray: we need leadership, get people more competitive. We're low in job growth nationally). Silbert: my life is thinking entrepreneurially, in addition to Dems being excited about me, Ind's and GOP even are excited about my candidacy. Kelley: I'm a listener and negotiator. I will be pulling the other LG candidates onto my team. Clean enviro., safe neighborhoods.

Q: What does green mean to you? Murray: Kermit, St. patty's day, money, brownfields clean up, green buildings. Look at IBEW 103 windmill, reduce greenhouse gas from public vehicles. Silbert: green means how you live your life. I'm a self-proclaimed tree-hugger. Worked in Costa Rica as a kid, now I compost organic waste, I drive fuel economic car; husband is a fly fisherman. Kelley: healthy forests, renewable energy, revitalize open space, clean air, reduce CO2. Healthy balanced ecosystem.


Anonymous said...

Nicely done!

(How virtual can it get though...a virtual writing-up about a virtual debate.) :)

Still Pilgrim said...

Hey Hoss,
Thanks for the review of the debate. Revolutionary, even - pretty cool. We did indeed record all the interviews seperately and then splice the answers together.

And yes, it is me Green Rainbow '02 Lt. Gov. Candidate Tony Lorenzen as part of the Saint Kermit team.

I liked your synopsis, in brief just about the impression I got of the candidates. A very interesting group.

Tony Lorenzen