Tuesday, March 28, 2006

More on Republicans Working for Dems

There has been lively back and forth over at BMG regarding the revelation that Murray's press guy, Scott Ferson, worked for Christy Mihos. Here are my additional 2 cents.

Ferson and Mihos are more than friends; Mihos asked Ferson to be his spokesperson and Ferson said yes.

There are a wealth of Democratic media consultants out there, and Ferson, without his Mihos past, would be one. However, here's my point: Democrats in Massachusetts don't need unnecessary baggage. Having a guy working as a high profile consultant who is a Republican doesn't help. Is it fatal? Who knows. But at least keep him off payroll and out of the press. It's just not worth it.


Anonymous said...

You're kidding, right? How Democrats will make Mass better?

Did you happen to notice the veto-proof majority in the Mass House & Senate? that the Republican governer hasn't gotten anything done because the idiots playing partisan politics won't let him?

Notice that the Commonwealth is one of the only two states who have LOST population in recent years? Must be because of people fleeing this Democratic Utopia that the idiots on Beacon Hill have made. How about the "best in the nation gun laws"? did you happen to notice that the "Boston Miracle" of low gun violence started falling apart in 99 - the year AFTER King Finneran rammed through his "best in the nation gun laws"?

Notice that Menino and Barrios (Democrats) will blame ANYONE except themselves for the rising crime rate? NH, VT, CT... if they have such lax gun laws, then why aren't THEIR crime rates soaring? Because MA has been made into a criminal's paradise - a Victim Disarmament Zone.

If you want to make MA a better state, try booting some of the Democrats out of office.


Anonymous said...

Testing comments.

Anonymous said...

Your Tag Line: Musings on How Democrats Will Make Massachusetts Change for the Better

That is funny, but sad also. The Democrats have had enough time to screw up the state. I grew up in Massachusetts and had my fill of Kennedy / Kerry and the Democratically controlled MA State House. I decided to get out of the state. Best decision I ever made.
