Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Deval Patrick Is Too Liberal To Beat Kerry Murphy Healey

Anyone remember that argument?

Mr. Gabrieli, Mr. Reilly, care to chime in?

Thought not.


Mark D. Snyder said...


Anonymous said...

While Reilly may have explicitly said "too liberal," Chris Gabrieli NEVER did. In fact, I think he and Deval shared the "any one of us will beat Kerry Healey and do a better job than she could" line.

Further, Gabrieli went to Deval's primary election victory party to support him THAT NIGHT, in a show of tremendous class.

On top of that Gabrieli supporters (and many Reilly supporters) are hustling to help Deval beat Kerry Healey.

Lying about Gabrieli and mocking Reilly doesn't help party unity or help us motivate turnout to ensure that Deval wins.

Care to chime in about that, Hoss?