Sunday, May 21, 2006

LG Forum Thoughts: Silbert wins.

Here are my initial thoughts:

We didn't learn anything new today, we didn't get anything that can be used as ammo either at the Convention or otherwise. We are basically in the same place. But, I definitely got the sense that the candidates are beginning to hone their messages - as would be expected as things have developed.

Murray stayed on the local aid tip, and in doing so, beat out Goldberg, but not by as much as I would have thought. Goldberg was impressive with her statements about knowing how to bring people together, etc...

Kelley was all over the place. I thought he had landed on something with the prescription drug thing, but then kept saying weird things.

In the end, though, I think it's Silbert who comes out with the "W" here. Although her message about jobs may be getting tiresome to those of us paying attention, I think voters need to see that we can all cry for more local aid or more money for healthcare, but if the money ain't there, then you're going to have to take from somewhere else to pay for it. She beat that home today, and did an effective job doing it. My call today is that Silbert won.

As many of you readers know, I've been deciding between Murray and Silbert for a while now, unsure of who was going to get my vote at the Convention. Today, Silbert sealed the deal for me. She's got the best combination of new ideas, a clear message and an ability to provide the resources needed to win (i.e. fundraise.)

Andrea, today you earned my support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Puhhhlease . . .You were never choosing between Silbert & Murray. You really know how to make me laugh ...