Wednesday, May 03, 2006

MA Dem Convention: Friday Night - Worth It?

Sorry for the non-substantive post, but I figured this was as good a place as any to ask:

Should I go out to the Convention Friday night? I know there are the non-contested races and Kennedy speaking, but I have another thing I could go to closer to home with some friends. However, if there's a decent party or two planned that anyone knows about Friday night that should convince me otherwise, let me know and I'll probably come out Friday night. That's always been a very fun, and long, night, but I'm 4 years older now than last time around...

Any thoughts/info on the Friday parties? Anyone throwin' a bendah?

P.s. - I was inspired to post this after reading about Murray's "tent" over at BMG. Is he really having a tent somewhere? Fun!


Anonymous said...

I know that Worcester is closing down a block for both Murray's and McGovern's/Deval Parties which are both located right next too each other. Its going to be a great night. Cant give you more details but you should come.

Hoss said...

Wow! Actually, a whole block of drunk conventioneers seems a bit scary to me... Intersting that Murray's party is going to be near Deval's. I wonder if something is going on there...

Any other parties anyone knows of? I've heard about a Kennedy breakfast the next morning, but what else?

Anonymous said...

Probably because McGovern endorsed both Patrick & Murray. . .