Sunday, April 02, 2006

Picket Line at Convention?

Get this: there may be a picket line of firefighters at the convention if the Worcester FD and the City don't come to a resolution.

Here's the link to the T&G Story.

If this happens, it will NOT be good for us Dems. After the St. Fleuriasco and Gabrieli jumping in, this would be yet another reason for MA voters to say "You know what, they're a mess. Let me stick with Healey who at least has her sh*t together."

I'm not excited about this prospect at all.


Anonymous said...

What does Tim have to say? It would seem quite a statement to his political abilities (and as you mention the whole Dem Party) if it isn't resolved; or - maybe he doesn't actually have the power to do so given the 'weak' structure of the Worcester mayor's position? Could be quite an indicator as I for one am not sure what his record is in terms of specifics. We certainly need an LG candidate with a proven and demonstrable record of great success in past endeavours.

Hoss said...

I'm sure he will have something to say about this and I am sure he is as worried about this as Menino was about the labor issues prior to the DNC in 2004 (albeit on a smaller scale). Nonetheless, if it does not go smoothly and Murray gets the nomination, I can see it NOT being helpful to the Dems in the general.

Anonymous said...

Makes me wonder if Tim even has a role other than "city councilor with an opinion." On the City of Worcester's website, the Fire Department reports to the City Manager, not the "mayor," which would make one thing that the City Manager is the key negotiator, not Murray. Hope they don't let this ruin the Convention.