Monday, March 27, 2006

Why Competition Is Good, but Not Too Good

Chris Gabrieli. What to think of him. On the one hand, he's smart: he sees that there's a hunger for something new out there, and he has the ability to pay to make himself appear to be that person. But why? Ego? Ambition? Desire to help? I dunno. But what I do know is that he has not learned the lessons all of us Dems should have learned a long time ago: 2-person primaries are good. Any more, then it's bad.

Gore was strengthened by Bradley, but Clinton got the nod because of a crowded field (arguably in the general in 92 too). Deval and Reilly would have been great, and the winner stronger for it. But now comes Chris to muck it all up. I wish he would just stay out of it.

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